What is this thing? Who are we?
Project CoNarrative is an ongoing multimedia experiment in collaborative storytelling. We're co-writing a novel together, live on the internet. You can read it for free, as we write it, right here at the site; Patreon supporters will have access to a quarterly newsletter, a monthly podcast, and a print edition of the finished book. Also, there are pirates, and possibly ghosts, and also centaurs for some reason.
We're two award-winning authors with twenty years of professional writing experience between us, and we're each taking turns writing chapters and publishing them before the other even gets a chance to see them. We'll most likely murder each other before we're done. Come along for the ride!

Luke T. Harrington is the author of the psychological thriller Ophelia, Alive: A Ghost Story, which garnered several Literary Classics awards and an Independent Publisher Book Award. His nonfiction debut, Murder-Bears, Moonshine, and Mayhem: Strange Stories from the Bible to Leave You Confused and Uncomfortable, will be published in 2020 by HarperCollins, via their W imprint.

K.B. Hoyle is the author of several award-winning, best-selling book series, including The Gateway Chronicles and The Breeder Cycle, and was a featured panelist at the Sydney Writers' Festival in 2013. She's a columnist for the online publication Christ and Pop Culture, a sought-after speaker, and a longtime creative writing instructor.